The Mental Lockdown
At this point, the virus has transcended beyond it’s biology, affecting us physically, mentally and spiritually. For the first time, some of us are facing disenfranchisement, for others, bad situations have only gotten worse. Ripped from the systems of structure and routine we've grown accustomed to, the signs of struggle are immediately evident.
A survey conducted by revealed the shocking impact working from home has on our efficiency.
Data sourced from -
So how did we get here?
The Answer 
In order to solve this spiraling problem currently faced by the population either working or studying from home, systems of structure need be reintroduced into peoples lives. the system of structure I hope to deliver is made up of tools that inspires wellness and productivity in a neat parcel.
Research - Case Studies
I conducted some case studies on existing productivity apps to see what the market had to offer. This gave me inspiration for my creative direction and a starting point for my project.
Done is a habit tracking app that thrives thanks to it's well structured and minimalistic app layout. A nice feature on the app is the ability to look at a review of your month and the amount of days you were able to stay on track with your habit. a sans serif type choice adds to the legibility of the experience.
Logo & Brandmark -
Colour Scheme -
Typeface Selection -
Website -
COVID Care Package -
IOS Goal Setting App -
"Pandemic Planner" Planner / Organizer Booklet -
"Calm" Scented Candle -
2021 - A3 Calendar Print -

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